Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Real Father's Day Wish

Ever since I can remember, Father's Day was a day I just didn't celebrate. When we made Father's Day crafts in school I would either ask not to make one or would make it for my mom. I do not have a father. I only have a sperm donor. I say this because my father chose to abuse me and not be in my life. After many years of grieving through that pain, I tried to have a relationship with him, but it definitely did not turn out well. Today, I don't even acknowledge his existence. But its okay because I have a different meaning for Father's Day than most people.

First, I get to praise God for being the best Daddy anyone could ever want or need. He shows me so much love in a littles blessings every single day. He comforts me when I'm sad and he wipes away my tears. He rejoices when I rejoice and He has shown me how to truly love. There is no better Father than our Heavenly Father. 

Second, I get to thank my mom for being both a mom and dad to my brother and I growing up. She and my grandmother did everything they could to raise my brother and I up right. So today, I say thank you mom!

Finally, I get to be hopeful and excited for the future. I married a wonderful man who will be an excellent Father. I pray that this time next year we can be celebrating him for being such a great Dad. I know he will be a great dad and that just makes me praise God!

So even though Father's Day isn't celebrating honoring my earthly father, its a day that I can be thankful for a God who loves me, a mother who has always supported me, and a husband who is my best friend! So today, instead of dwelling on what I don't have or wished I had growing up, I celebrate the wonderful "fathers" in my life. 

In His name and for His fame...

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