Monday, April 4, 2011

Random Pictures from Fertility Treatments

So I thought it might be cool for some of you to see some pictures of things related to my fertility treatments in Korea. I think it is just neat to see the difference of things between here and the U.S. 

The picture above is of my arm where they did a skin test before my HSG x-ray. They inserted something so they could make sure I wouldn't have a reaction to the dye during the x-ray. They put a circle and the check time on my arm so they would be able to see the result. The time was when it needed to be checked before my HSG procedure.

This is a picture of the paper they gave me to inform me about the HSG procedure. It gives a lot of detailed information about what occurs during the procedure. I was very surprised about how well written in English it was. Koreans usually butcher English, so it was nicely written. 

This is a picture of the paper you receive every time you finish a doctor's appointment. As you can see, the nurse puts an order of things that I need to do on the bottom right. On the one's where I am just coming back for monitoring of my developing follicles, It will have the order of what to do at my next appointment. 1) Get Ultrasound. 2) Go to Dr. Office

This is a picture of the antibiotics they gave me to take for the 5 days following my HSG procedure to make sure that I don't get an infection from the dye. I think its neat to look at how the pills are individually wrapped and Korean prescriptions are just written on a bag of some sort according to the hospital. The bag they put this medicine in was paper.

This final picture is another one of my prescriptions from Cha Hospital. It is my prescription for Clomid. As you can see, they put this prescription in a plastic bag. 

I hope you have enjoyed getting to see some of the things from medical/fertility treatment here in Korea. We are praying that we get pregnant before we leave Korea and have the baby back in the States. Thanks for praying for us!
In His name and for His fame...

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