Saturday, April 9, 2011

Some Bad News

On Tuesday, Richard got his results from his semen analysis. It's hard to accept, but his sperm count was really low. The normal range is 20-150 million per mL. His was only 7 million. There are some things he can do to improve his sperm count like exercise, taking some supplements, and eating more healthy. He currently eats a lot of processed foods (which is definitely my fault because its easier to make him those things since I have such a special diet). We are slowly going to switch to an almost all organic diet. I know it will be better for both of us. He is taking a Fertility Blend supplement for men which will also help. He goes back to do another semen analysis at Cha Hospital on April 18th.

On another note, when we were at the doctor yesterday, he said that I had again responded very well to the Clomid. I still had taken only 50mg (which is the lowest dose) and I was about to ovulate. He did however explain to us that because of his low sperm count, I most likely will not get pregnant naturally. He really feels that IVF is probably going to be my best option. There is good news and bad news about this. The bad news is that IVF is extremely expensive. The good news is that its a lot cheaper in Korea than it is in the United States and the success rate in PCOS women it the highest of all fertility treatments. There is also the option to have multiples which we would both be okay with because then we would be done with having kids and wouldn't have to go through more fertility treatment. So last night was a really emotional night for me, but I know God will not let my desire to be a mother go unfulfilled. I know that His timing is perfect and He will provide us with a child and provide us with the money if IVF is what is needed. Thanks for keeping up with us and for praying for us! You all matter so much to us!

In His name and for His fame...

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